digital promotions
Share location-exclusive offers
with nearby customers.
Get started today
Attract nearby customers and build customer loyalty.
Pay as you go pricing
Advertise a little, or advertise a lot. Scale instantly with pay-as-you-go pricing.
$0 /CPC
Get started free
- The first $undefined/mo is free
- No upfront fees
- Set offer, duration, location
- Accurate statistics for impressions, clicks, and conversions
- Dynamic pricing with real time bidding (RTB)
Starting at $undefined /CPC
Pay as you go
- The first $undefined/mo is free, then pay as you go
- No upfront fees
- Set offer, duration, location
- Accurate statistics for impressions, clicks, conversions
- Dynamic pricing with real time bidding (RTB)
- Set budget per campaign and month
Supporting Studies
Location-based promotions outperform every time, providing increased revenue and ROI on marketing spend. Here's why.